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Pinguecula are yellowish, slightly raised lesions that form on the surface of the white part of your eye (sclera) close to the edge of the cornea. They are typically found in the open space between your eyelids (palpebral fissure), which also happens to be the area exposed to the sun.

While pingueculae are more common in middle-aged or older people who spend a lot of time in the sun, they can also be found in younger people and even children — especially those who are often outdoors without protection such as sunglasses or hats.

Pterygium are wedge- or wing-shaped growths of benign fibrous tissue with blood vessels (fibrovascular), typically located on the surface of the sclera. In extreme cases, pterygia may grow onto the eye's cornea and interfere with vision.

Because a pterygium resembles tissue or film growing over the eye, a person who has one may become concerned about personal appearance.

As with pingueculae, prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light from the sun may play a role in the formation of pterygia.